Thank you to Hannaford and Dress Barn….

Huge thank you to Hannaford Supermarkets and Dress Barn for providing excellent examples of how to exceed customer expectations!   You can read the full stories in Chapter 4 of the Free Sales Force book.  If you have an amazing story of how a business exceeded your expectations, please share it with me and I may include it in the next book or feature it here.   Enjoy the upcoming holiday. Be grateful and gracious to each other.

Just got a call with a success story…

I just got a call from a reader who was struggling to get her foot in the door with a large company. She read FREE SALES FORCE and then realized she could see if anyone she already knew had a connection there. She hopped on Linked-In and sure enough, she had common connections that she reached out to and now she has an appointment with the large company. She asked me not to mention the specifics yet. She will post here as soon as she has results to report. Good Luck E!!
